Pre-workshop preparation and checklist
- 9 AM to 4 PM. Please arrive 10 or 15 minutes early. We will start sharp at 9 AM. It may take time for you to: find parking, find the building/room, setup your laptop, and connect to the internet.
- Laptop and charger. Please bring your laptops, charger, notebooks, and pens/pencils. You will be working on your laptop throughout the day.
- Multiplugs. Please bring power strips (Multi Plugs). If you have extra power strips (with longer cables), please bring them too.
- Lunch. Lunch will be provided. We have requested one-third of the orders to be vegetarian, so please do not worrry if you are a vegetarian. If you are a vegan, please email us as soon as possible. We will need to make a special arrangement for you.
- Clothes. Please dress in layers. The classroom can be (too) warm or (too) cold for you.
- Your name. In the Google Sheet (see email), please verify that your first and last names are spelled correctly. These names will go into the certificates that you will receive.
- Discussion board. Before and during the workshop, you are welcome to post your questions, comments, and discussion topics to this document.
Preparation for the workshop
- Python and Google Colab. If you are not familiar with Python programming and Google Colab, please watch the following videos and practice them:
- Concept map drawing. In addition to working on a project throughout the day, at the end of the workshop, you will also be required to draw a concept map of all the concepts you learned. If you are unfamiliar with drawing concept maps, please watch this video to learn how to draw a concept map. If you like to read instead of watch, a full tutorial is here.
Location and parking
- Location: The workshop will be held in room # 410 on the fourth floor in the Social Sciences Building (SSB 410).
- Parking: We are working on waiving the parking permit for the day for non-UMSL participants. Please do not park on any “faculty and staff” lots. The best place to park is “West Drive Garage” at 140 West Dr, St. Louis, MO 63121.