Using Overleaf

All reports should be prepared using Overleaf. You are welcome to use any templates you want. Here is an example. Please learn more about Overleaf here.

Why Overleaf (and not Word or Google doc)?

Some of you may have wondered why this course requires you to prepare project reports in Overleaf and not Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer, or Google doc. Below are some bullets that capture my thoughts on why learning Overleaf/Latex is useful, particularly while you are in college. Please remember that fundamentally, Latex/Overleaf is typesetting system while Word or Writer are word processors.

I am not an Overleaf/Latex maniac and I don’t use it for everything. However, I strongly believe that CS/IT students should learn it once while at university. Even just to know that such an alternative to Word/Writer exist and are widely used.